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Creative Ways to Tell If You Have a Mouse Infestation

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Mice are a nasty household pest and can cause some serious damage if not eradicated quickly. However, identifying a mouse infestation can be difficult, especially if you're not sure what to look for. Explore some of the more unique ways to tell if you have mice in your house and need mice control.

Unusual Smells

Mice have a distinct smell that can be hard to describe. If you notice a strong, musty odor in certain areas of your home, it could be a sign that mice are living there. This smell can come from the oils in their fur, urine, or nests, and it can worsen over time if left untreated. If you're not sure what you're smelling, try using an air freshener or cleaning product to mask the odor. If the smell persists, it's time to call in a professional.

Scratching Noises

Most people know that mice can make scratching noises when they're moving around, but did you know that they have a specific type of scratching that's different from other pests? Mice have a fast, pitter-patter sound that can be heard in walls, ceilings, and floors. If you hear this sound regularly, especially at night, it could be a sign that mice are present. Target the location of the noise, and then set traps or call an exterminator.

Chewed Paper or Fabric

Mice are notorious for chewing through anything they can get their teeth on, and that includes paper and fabric. If you find holes or shreds in your clothing, curtains, or papers, mice could be the culprits. They chew these materials to make nests, which can cause really bad damage if left unchecked. Look for signs of nesting material nearby, such as shredded paper, fabric scraps, or dried grass.

Gnawed Food Packages

Mice love to feast on food, and they can chew through nearly any type of packaging to get to it. If you notice that your cereal boxes, bread, or other food packages have been gnawed on, mice are likely the cause. They'll leave small teeth marks or holes in the packaging, and they may even leave droppings or urine behind. 

Mice infestations can be tricky to identify, but with these creative methods, you can catch early signs of mouse activity and reduce the possible damage. If you notice any of these signs, it's a good idea to call in a professional mice control service as soon as possible, as mice can multiply rapidly and cause serious damage in a short amount of time. By staying vigilant and taking action quickly, you can keep your home safe and rodent-free. For more information on mice control, contact a professional near you.
