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Home Septic Inspection And Maintenance Recommendations For You To Follow

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Your septic system is the only thing standing between your home having indoor plumbing and your having to install and use an outhouse in your backyard. Therefore, you want to make sure the system works as it needs to and you take care of it fully. Here are some recommendations to help you check your septic system's condition and to make sure it is kept in great condition for many years.

Hire a Professional Inspection

Before you buy or move into a home that is on a septic system, you have no idea what condition the septic system is in. The tank may be old and corroded or have a crack on its exterior that is causing sewage to leak into the soil around the home. And the type of septic system you take on when you move in is what you will be responsible for either using and maintaining or repairing and replacing. For this reason, it is essential that you hire an inspection to get a clear understanding of the condition of the tank and its connected drain field system.

Your septic professional will begin the inspection by pumping out the tank in order to remove the debris that may block their view of any problems. After pumping out all the fluids and solids from the tank, they will be able to use a camera and light to visually inspect the inside of the tank. Depending on the type of material the tank is made of, whether fiberglass, plastic, or concrete, they can look for any related damage, such as cracking, corrosion, or root damage from nearby trees. They will also use their camera to inspect the pipelines leading into and out of the tank.

After the tank inspection is completed, they can also inspect your drain field site. To do this, they will dig holes around the drain field lines to see what condition the soil is in. If there is a lot of standing water, there may be a problem in the lines. During the inspection, your professional will look for soil that promotes good drainage and allows the fluids from the lines to soak evenly into the soil.

Take Care of Your Septic System

Once you start using your home's septic system, take care of what you put down the drain of your sinks, toilets, and washbasins. Only flush sewer waste and toilet tissue down your toilets and crumbs from your dirty dishes into your kitchen sink to prevent blockages. Don't use your kitchen sink disposal if there is one and be sure the toilet tissue you use is septic safe. This type of toilet tissue is going to break down well and not build up in a clog anywhere inside the line or in the tank.

Contact your septic professional if any problems arise, and make sure you pump your tank every three to five years.

For further information, reach out to a local septic tank inspection service.
