Learn How to Build Your Own Successful Flower Garden

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Want To Save Time When Working In Your Landscaping? Following These 3 Tips

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A beautiful landscaped yard gives your home aesthetic appeal. Having this, however, requires a lot of time and care from you on a regular basis, such as mowing the lawn, weeding your flower beds, and watering your flowers.  To help you save some time, follow the three tips below.


Mowing the lawn is a big chore, especially if you have a large yard. Not only this, but it can be a big expense from buying gas for the lawnmower and its upkeep. To save you a lot of time, consider installing artificial turf on your lawn from companies like Alpine Rock and Block. This looks like grass and many people may only know it's fake if they actually touch it. Imagine having a lawn that is always perfectly mowed. You also do not have to hear the loud sounds of the lawn mower, or take time to water or fertilizer your lawn to keep it beautiful.


It is a chore weeding your flower gardens, as new ones can pop up every day at a fast rate. You could use chemicals to kill the weeds, but these are not good for your flowers. You can also pull them by hand. This does take time, and if you do not get the root of the weed, it will just grow right back. To take care of this, you can purchase a tool at a garden center that is made to remove weeds. It allows you to dig deep into the grass so you can reach the roots. This also makes it much faster.

To cut way down on the weeds, use a few inches of mulch around all the flowers. Mulch suppresses weeds, but it also retains moisture so your flowers can stay healthy. If you use mulch, pull it away a few inches from the base of each flower so you do not suffocate them.


Keeping your flowers watered takes a lot of time, especially if you go through periods of drought and very high temperatures. To save a lot of time here, use soaker hoses. These hoses have tiny pores that run all along the length of it. You snake the hose throughout your flower garden. The hose is attached to a water spigot. Set the timer that comes with the hose so it turns on the water in the early morning. You can also set the timer to run for a certain amount of time. Water will slowly seep out of the holes and provide your flowers with the moisture they need.

Contact a landscaper, who can show you other ways you can save time. 
