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Kickstart Grass Growth In The Spring With This Simple ABC Guide

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Having the greenest lawn on the block may sound like an enticing idea, but by the time the snow of winter melts away and spring gets underway, if you are like most homeowners, you will be left with a drab carpet of dull, patchy, and even partially dead grass. While it is always good to get help from a lawn fertilization company early in the season, there are a few remedies you can try at home to give your lawn a little kickstart. There is a simple ABC guide to giving your lawn a boost to encourage healthy, new and green growth. 

Aerate your entire lawn. 

Over the winter months, the ground of your lawn becomes compressed, dense, and hard, which will make it harder for new growth to spring through. Even though it is a good idea to have your lawn aerated in the fall, you can also do this in early spring to give your lawn a little room to breathe as it grows. You can invest in handheld aerators that look like a spiky wheel on a long handle, or you can have a professional landscaper come by and go over your lawn with a professional-grade aerator that is pulled behind a mower or tractor. Either way, the thousands of tiny holes in the ground will help give your lawn an easy path for new growth. 

Bring your own lawn food to the table. 

Grass is just a plant, and, therefore, it needs nutrients to grow properly. If you want to give your lawn a boost in the spring before a lawn fertilization company like American Turf & Tree Care comes to the house, feed your lawn something it has been waiting for in the form of a store-bought blend of grass booster. Grass and lawn boosters come in a lot of different forms, but all of them contain the nutrients that could be depleted after a long and cold winter, such as phosphorous and potassium. 

Consistently hydrate your lawn. 

If the spring season doesn't always bring showers where you live, make sure your lawn is getting enough hydration by watering often. Keep in mind that hydration must be done on a strict schedule for best results, but just doing a quick spray over with a sprinkling garden hose early in the morning on a daily basis will help to encourage new growth. Plus, a hydrated lawn will be much more green and vibrant.
