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Three Things To Know Before You Install A Backyard Fountain

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If you're a homeowner who is considering adding a backyard water feature like a fountain, you're making a good decision. Water fountains can make yards seem more inviting and calm, and they can add humidity on an otherwise dry day. But there are some considerations you need to take into account before adding the fountain to ensure it will fit into your life and not cause trouble for you. Here are three things you need to know before you install that fountain.

It Will Attract Wildlife

Any water you have in your yard becomes a water source for thirsty wildlife, and if you have a fountain, you are going to attract some visitors. And not just birds or frogs; water fountains can attract larger wildlife like bobcats, too. These can be interesting to watch, but if you are in an area where bobcats, coyotes, and other larger predators are known to exist, be aware that you will have to keep an eye on pets. Keep them indoors at night, and don't let them wander around during the day. Also keep your county's animal control number handy; if you do begin to have bobcats and others enter your yard, the department should know so they can evaluate any potential danger.

It Has to Keep Running if Not Drained

You're really not going to be able to leave the fountain filled with water and not running for a substantial length of time. The water can become stagnant and attract mosquitoes, making your backyard a rather unpleasant place. Keep the water clean and running; if you're going to turn off the fountain, drain the water so that you don't have puddles sitting in the bowl of the fountain.

Evaporation Happens Faster Than You Realize

If you live in a fairly dry area or in a place where you can have dry spells -- as in little humidity -- the water in the fountain is going to evaporate a lot faster than you realize. Make it a habit to check the fountain daily during dry times to ensure the water level isn't getting too low. Fountains that run too low on water can overheat and damage the pump.

If you have questions about handling visiting wildlife or maintaining the pump, talk to the fountain seller or a home improvement company. Backyard water fountains for sale are excellent additions to a yard, and with the right care and caution, you can have a restful place to sit and enjoy the sounds of water.
