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4 Things To Take Into Consideration Before Buying Land

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The thought of building a new home is exciting, but also a challenging process. One of the greatest challenges you will encounter is finding available land that meets your needs and requirements for home construction. There are several things you should take into consideration regarding the land itself. The following tips will guide you through some of the factors you should consider before buying a piece of land.

Zoning Requirements

It is essential that you check with the county to make sure the  zoning ordinances allow for construction of the type of house that you have in mind. For example, in some areas, zoning requirements may prohibit structures that are more than one story high, which can be a problem if your heart is set on a two-story home. The future plans for the area are also important. For example, you should inquire about any future plans the city has for constructing large infrastructures in the area, such as shopping centers.

Natural Hazards

The lifespan of your home depends a great deal on any natural hazards, which may affect the stability of the structure of your home. For example, building on a hill may gradually cause cracking in your homes foundation due to the land shifting and when building near a body of water you may have to build on a raised foundation as well as buy flood insurance.


In order to live comfortably in your home, it is important that you have access to utilities. If the land is undeveloped, you may be responsible for the cost of installation. Utility access to check for include:

  • Water- either access to city water or the ability to dig a well.
  • Sewer- either pre-existing hook-up or the ability to install a septic system.
  • Gas- access to either natural gas or propane
  • Electricity

Roadway Access

Is there roadway access on the property? If so, is there an existing curb and/or driveway in place or will you have to obtain a permit and have them constructed? It is essential that you find out how difficult it is to obtain a permit at this location. Pay close attention to the main access road. For example, if the roadway is in need of repairs, make sure your availability will not be affected before or during repairs.

The most important thing you should do before buying a piece of land is to have a land survey. Land surveys allow you to know exactly where your property line begins and ends. A land survey will also be beneficial for any plans you may have for future home improvements. To learn more, contact a company like Krause & Gantzer
