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4 Tips For Keeping Your Home Clean When You Have Pets

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When you have pets, they can provide you with entertainment and ease your anxiety, but they also make quite a mess. It becomes difficult keeping your home clean with pet hair and dander, not to mention pet accidents. Here are some tips for keeping your home clean even with your beloved pets.

Reduce Dog Hair

One of the biggest problems you probably face with your pets is having a lot of pet hair in the house. Pet hair seems to cling to everything, from the furniture to the flooring. There are a few different things you can do to help manage pet hair. First of all, make sure you are brushing your cats and dogs on a regular basis. This will help you control where the excess hair and dander goes, and reduce how much falls out when the pet is running through the house or laying on the couch. You might also want to have a no-pets rule for your sofas and bed if it becomes a big problem. Make sure you are vacuuming furniture and flooring on a regular basis. When your pet lays down, you may want to either have them lay down on their own blanket or towel that can be shaken outside, or a pet bed that you can wash regularly.

Take Care of the Pet's Housetraining

The potty mess you have with your pets will vary based on if you have a cat, dog, or other pet. If you have a small pet that is caged, you simply need to make sure you clean the cage often and keep a close eye on that pet when it is out. With cats, they should potty in their litter box. If you find little pieces of litter when the cat sits in the box, place a large plastic mat underneath the litter box. This helps to catch some of the stray litter and keep it from your carpets. With dogs, it is best that you train them to go outside. Some smaller dogs do go inside on pads or in a dog litter box, but if your dog is making accidents often, contact a vet or professional dog trainer for help.

Keep the Paws Clean

Another issue with pets is that after they come inside, their paws are often dirty from the dirt and mud. If you have cats or dogs that use their own door to let themselves out in the yard as they desire, put a mat directly underneath their door so that their paws hit it and it hopefully collects some of that dirt when they come inside. With dogs who you take outside on walks, keep a container of water and towel near the entrance to your home. Before bringing them inside, dip their paws in the water, and wipe them off with the towel.

Contact a local cleaner, like Chem Dry Springfield, for periodic deep cleanings to remove pet odors.
