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4 Window Treatments Perfect For Any Sliding Door

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Accessorizing your sliding glass doors with a window treatment can be trickier than it may seem at first. Because of their unique nature as both a window and a door, sliding doors call for both beautiful and highly functional window treatments. So, how can you pick the right one for your door? Here are 4 ideas to get you started.  


Sheer panels are an easy and cost-effective solution for sliding doors. Because they aren't fully opaque, sheer panels allow sunlight to enter the room and help keep it warm and inviting. But they do provide a level of privacy at the same time. If you choose sheer panels, make sure they are on an easy-to-slide hanging system -- such as ring clips -- to  prevent damage from overuse. 


If you want decorative drapery treatments but don't want them in the way of using the door, you could choose to go with side-mounted curtains. Side-mounted curtains are simply panels mounted on the walls to each side of the sliding door. Because they don't actually hang in front of the door, they provide a beautiful accessory to the glass without blocking the view. Hang side-mounted panels above the top level of the glass doors and allow them to hang either to the floor or to pool a little on the ground. 


Make your drapery treatments a focal point for the room by choosing a bold, eclectic or stylized print. This type of curtain works well in a simple room with a neutral color base or a simple palette. Protect your artistic drapes by making sure the panels are hung just above the floor to keep them clean and that tiebacks are available when the door is being used a lot. 


A simple solution to your window treatment needs is to forego a full curtain and use a valance only. A shaped valance -- such as scalloped, curved or zigzag -- gives doors a finished look without hampering your view or the family's ability to use it. This makes a valance a hardy choice for often-used sliders. When hanging your valance, though, be sure to mount it high enough above the door that the hem doesn't interfere with people as they go in and out. 

Be deciding what effect you want from your sliding door's drapery and how it will be used, you can find the right way to complement any sliding door in any room. Visit sites like http://www.sylvansdrapesandblinds.com for more information.
