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Why Park Model Homes Is The Solution For You

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When most people start the process of buying a home, the decision they are usually looking at is whether they should buy a house or build one. What a lot of people don't consider is the option of park model homes, or manufactured homes. Park model homes are no longer limited to those wishing to travel the country taking their home with them. If that is your dream, then that's great. If not, park model homes may still be the solution for you. Here's why:

  1. Fewer Construction Delays: When the manufacturers tell you that your home is set to be finished in a certain time frame, then it will be finished in that time frame. The advantage that park model homes have over non-manufactured homes is that there are no rainy days or bad weather delays. Since your home is built in a warehouse, the whole process is more controlled and you will get your home when they say you will get your home, not when weather permits.
  2. Savings: Because park model homes are being made all the time, supplies are purchased in bulk, which puts more savings in your wallet. Also, every park model home gets their own team that will be with your home until the end, so you're only paying for one set of workers rather than different people coming in every day.
  3. Higher Quality Construction: Because park model homes are built to be able to be transferred, they are built with a higher quality of construction. They have to be built to withstand more than just your normal wear and tear, but also different climates, lots of movement, and rough terrain.
  4. Portability: Whether it is your intention to move your home or not, having the option is always a plus. People get attached to their homes, and if you decide you're ready for a change in scenery a few years down the road, or if you have a job transfer, you can choose to take your home with you.
  5. Amenities: Most people think that park model homes all look the same, but they couldn't be more wrong. Park model homes are made with customers in mind, so they vary in style as much as their customers do. Some available amenities include vaulted ceilings, modern kitchens, whirlpool bathtubs and walk-in closets, so you don't have to sacrifice style for price.

When you're ready to purchase your next home, make sure you include park model homes in your list of options. You'll be surprised at how satisfied you'll be with your home. Contact professionals, such as those from Resort Homes, to see how they can best help fulfill your needs.
